Slaughter of a hippopotamus in the Tshangalele's reserve date : 05/08/2009 |
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On the 26th of July 2009, one could read on the Radio Okapi's website the following article:
"Kambove: the slaughter of a hippopotamus, a bone of contention between the ICCN and the territorial authority Katanga / Environment / 26th of July 2009 at 11:13:44
Although the number of hippopotamuses has appreciably increased in the protected reserve of Kyangalele (Lufira river), at Kapolowe-mission situated on territory of Kambove, the slaughter of one of these mammals by poachers is at the origin of contention between the agents of the Congolese Institute for the Conservation of Nature, ICCN-Kapolowe, and the administrator of the territory. Two days ago, a poacher and his accomplice were arrested by agents of the ICCN for killing, according to these agents, a female hippopotamus. Both poachers were released from the prison of Kapolowe, on order of the administrator of the territory of Kambove.What denounces, the OPJ of the ICCN, relates Delphin Munana Mushete, OPJ of the ICCN, tells the facts: " we caught the person who has killed this animal. This last one quoted Kapia Mutonko. He admitted to have participated in the slaughter of the hippopotamus. I went to the place where the drama took place, with an agent of the ANR, to get material evidence. We discovered the place where the animal was dismembered. We even collected bones. At about 12 am, the administrator of territory of Kambove, accompanied with two policemen, came brutally to get back the poachers who were imprisoned in the prison of Kapolowe-mission. Now, these two poachers are free, and even said that they were capable of killing other hippopotamuses ". From his part, the administrator of the territory declares to have released the presumed poacher because, he asserts, there was indulgence and irregularity in the instruction of this file. Moreover, Hyppolite Kalenga indicates that he is looking for the OPJ of the ICCN who conducted the case: "I am looking for the OPJ of the ICCN who conducted the case to arrest him. Why? They arrested an innocent, Mr Ifanda. I have the full right to check the amigos. In my trip, I met a certain Ifanda to whom I asked the motive for his arrest. He answered that he was arrested because he would have been in possossion of hippopotamus' meat in his home. He recognized to have received this meat from a third party as an act of charity. The officer of the ICCN should pass on the file to the competent authorities. He kept him for a pledge. An officer who arrests a presumed guilty and keeps him in the amigo of the police. Why did he not pass on the file to the competent authorities? "
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