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In search of the creators of the Upemba Park
date : 27/12/2007
  After almost a year of work, our itinerant team has completed its tour of the Upemba Park. The objective was to present the waterside populations of the national park with photos of the Congolese people who took part in the creation of the Upemba Park and in the scientific explorative mission which took place between 1946 and 1949. The Royal Institute of the Natural sciences of Belgium ( IRSNB), which is our partner in this venture, supplied us with hundred of plasticized photos featuring Congolese staff members employed for the mission.
Our investigators moved from village to village, showing the photos to the notables and to the ancients of villages. The purpose was to collect information on these persons by people who would have known and possibly recognized them.
The challenge was big because the photos were taken over 60 years ago. However, numerous results were recorded.
BAK and the IRSNB are currently looking at the possibility of preparing an exhibition presenting the results of this big survey. This exhibition would be held in Lubumbashi and then in Brussels.
Besides its historic importance, this survey allowed us to establish a relationship with the waterside populations of the park. The inhabitants of the region were able to notice that the park was the creation of their ancestors.
BAK hopes that the populations who live in proximity of the national Upemba Park will have a better picture of it.

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